Laureen Smith

Executive - Cybersecurity Advisory
LJ Marketing & Communications

Laureen Smith brings over twenty years of experience in technology and information systems, with a more recent focus in cybersecurity. As a veteran executive in the industry, she has led relationship marketing, brand development, thought leadership, enterprise and channel sales, go to market and brand strategy, product management, and has consulted in many industry segments, including Government, Legal, Finance, Healthcare, Pharma, Biotech, and Manufacturing.

Laureen is the creator, co-founder and publisher of CISO Street, an online thought leadership community for cybersecurity leaders. She is also a speaker, moderator, and content creator for the site. In addition, Laureen managed the strategic advisory board for Kiteworks, the leading cybersecurity company that protects privacy and ensures compliance of a company’s sensitive and mission-critical content. Board members included Chief Security Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Compliance Officer, and Chief Privacy Officers of Fortune 500 companies.