Washington, D.C.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Keynote Speaker
“"1000 Unicorns"”
Dr. Christopher Carter
Chief Information Officer WSSC Water
CISO/Industry Leader Panel
“Cybersecurity Leaders and Experts on Current Cyberthreats and Practices”
Anne Marie Zettlemoyer
Chief Security Officer | Fellow National Security Institute
Montae Brockett
Deputy CIO, CISO DC Department of Health Care Finance
Alicia Lynch
Senior Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer Cognizant
Jonathan Fowler
Chief Information Security Officer Consilio
Dr. Christopher Carter
Chief Information Officer WSSC Water
About the Event
FutureCon Events brings high-level Cyber Security Training discovering cutting-edge security approaches, managing risk in the ever-changing threat of the cybersecurity workforce.
Join us as we talk with a panel of C-level executives who have effectively mitigated the risk of Cyber Attacks.
Educating C-suite executives and CISOs (chief information security officers) on the global cybercrime epidemic, and how to build Cyber Resilient organizations.
“Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT problem”
Gain the latest knowledge you need to enable applications while keeping your computing environment secure from advanced Cyber Threats. Demo the newest technology, and interact with the world’s security leaders and gain other pressing topics of interest to the information security community.
The FutureCon community will keep you updated on the future of the Cyberworld and allow you to interact with your peers and the world’s security leaders.
For sponsorship opportunities email sales@futureconevents.com
Times are subject to change
Opening Introductions | Check In | Networking
Securing the User Edge
In today’s world of hybrid work, multicloud environments, and BYOD, employees are connecting to new and multiple types of endpoints. Meanwhile, the sophistication of cyber-attacks continues to rise, making it more difficult to ensure the security of all endpoints across your organization.
In this presentation, learn how to create a strategy to bridge the gap between end-users and their workspaces, apps, and data, while providing a secure endpoint and seamless user experience.
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Stories from the Front Lines: SOC Edition
There’s never a dull moment in the Security Operations Center (SOC). In this session, Daniel Smallwood shares some of the most interesting security incidents he’s encountered during his 20-year career as a threat researcher and engineer in the federal and private sectors. These include:
· The Case of the Missing Hard Drive: Lessons Learned from Handling an Insider Threat
· From the UK to Aliens to Pink Floyd: The British Hacker Story
· The Network is Overrun with Coin Miners: How to Approach an Overwhelming Breach
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Dissecting the Dark Web Supply Chain
For as little as $10, unsophisticated threat actors can steal information that allows them to impersonate a victim’s browser fingerprint, gain access to hundreds of unique logins stored in the browser, and potentially bypass corporate 2FA Controls. Seems like a steal?
With that level of access and quality data, the Infected Device Markets continue to grow on the dark web, clear web, and illicit Telegram channels. On February 14th at 11 am EST, join Flare Director of Marketing, Eric Clay, and Threat Intelligence Researcher, Guillaume Joly as they dissect the dark web supply chain. You should expect:
– A detailed walkthrough of a complex and interconnected dark web supply chain ranging from MaaS vendors selling malware variants to Initial Access Brokers selling access to compromised environments
– A deep dive into the specialized markets that sell infostealer malware including Russian Market, Genesis Market, as well as specific Telegram channels
– Insights into how Stealer Malware is distributed, collected, and data is exfiltrated
– Best practices to mitigate the risk of stealer malware to your organization & improve detection capabilities for listings that may contain logins unique to you
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Zero Trust: Modern Security’s Remedy to Today’s Cybersecurity Challenges
Good security requires a defense-in-depth strategy. Ensuring user trust, password managers, MFA, EDR and SSO tools all work together in concert. But, human error is often the weakest link in the security chain, you must ensure that other layers are in place to close this final link in the chain and mitigate against all modern attacks.
This talk will share a practitioner’s hard won insight from real-world implementations at two Fortune 500 enterprises and the journey those companies are on. We will share the vision that led these organizations down the path of a defense-in-depth strategy that included Zero Trust and Security Services Edge (SSE).
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Should your organization be trusted?
Should other organizations (and individuals?) trust yours with their most valuable assets? Should you trust them with yours? How can you know? It’s not as challenging as you might think – join us to find out who you can trust and how to increase your own trustworthiness.
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How to Build an Insider Threat Program
Sometimes just having a SOC isn’t enough to address insider threat issues. Security operations teams are managing massive amounts of data across billions of events from on premises to the cloud. Looking for specific needles like insider threats in this complex haystack has special requirements that encompass both searching historic data and seeing evolving credential behavior changes as they happen.
Whether from downsizing or expanding the business, employees, vendors, contractors, and more are moving in and out of your environment. And often, it is during turbulent times that insider threats go unobserved as everything changes so quickly. Insider threat initiatives require a new, more focused approach.
This presentation will explore:
- The common scenarios that indicate you need an insider threat team, how to build a mission statement, and tools
- Four attributes of a successful insider threat program
- How behavioral analytics baseline “normal” behavior of users and devices – showing risk faster
- An automated investigation experience that replaces manual routines and effectively guides new insider threat teams
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Best of Both Worlds: Privileged Access Management
As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, protecting organizations from daily cyber threats is becoming increasingly difficult. According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, over 90% of successful Windows breaches occur due to users having privileged access. To avoid being included in this year’s report, it’s important to take a major step in cybersecurity planning by removing local Admin rights from end-users. However, this can be challenging as it may result in end-users becoming frustrated when they need to request updates.
CyberFOX Vice President, Jason Samples, provides a solution called “The Best of Both Worlds”, which aims to increase security while reducing end-user frustration. Learn more about this solution and how it can help you protect your organization from cyber threats.
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Modern Data Protection
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