Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Keynote Speaker
“"Delivering Secure Software"”
Terence Davis
Chief Information Officer Department of Parks and Recreation at Los Angeles County
CISO/Industry Leader Panel
"Securing the Future: CISO Insights and Industry Leaders Discussing Current Cyber Threats and Strategic Defense Practices"
Allen Ohanian
Information Security Officer Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services
Annie Flippo
Chief Data Officer Urgently
CISO Ambassador Zyston
Derek Lin
Vice President of Information Systems and Information Security Officer Pasadena Federal Credit Union
Eric Freeman
Chief Information Security Officer QTC Management
About the Event
FutureCon Events brings high-level Cyber Security Training discovering cutting-edge security approaches, managing risk in the ever-changing threat of the cybersecurity workforce.
Join us as we talk with a panel of C-level executives who have effectively mitigated the risk of Cyber Attacks.
Educating C-suite executives and CISOs (chief information security officers) on the global cybercrime epidemic, and how to build Cyber Resilient organizations.
“Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT problem”
Gain the latest knowledge you need to enable applications while keeping your computing environment secure from advanced Cyber Threats. Demo the newest technology, and interact with the world’s security leaders and gain other pressing topics of interest to the information security community.
The FutureCon community will keep you updated on the future of the Cyberworld and allow you to interact with your peers and the world’s security leaders.
For sponsorship opportunities email sales@futureconevents.com
Times are subject to change
Opening Introductions | Check In | Networking
Balancing Innovation and Risk in Today’s Ever-Expanding Technical Ecosystem
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the expansion of our technical ecosystems pose both unprecedented opportunities and considerable challenges.
The proliferation of interconnected systems, emerging technologies, and the increasing interdependence among them have given rise to multifaceted system risks that organizations must navigate. These risks encompass cybersecurity threats, regulatory compliance (old and new), data privacy concerns, interoperability issues, and the potential for disruptive system failures.
Through collaborative insights and shared experiences, this discussion aims to equip the attendees with proven actionable strategies to include:
- Understanding the dynamic nature of these risks
- Aligning technological initiatives with overarching business objectives.
- Blending innovation with a comprehensive understanding of organizational goals and market demand
- Real world case studies highlighting successful alignment between business objectives and our InfoSec programs
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Today’s Threat Landscape Requires a Unique Capability
Specialized threats targeting OT environments have been around since at least 2010, with the reports of Stuxnet. Recognizing the criticality of these devices, Threat Actors have continued evolving, continuing to target OT devices, many of which are inherently insecure-by-design. Research, such as Vedere Labs’ OT:ICEFALL research project and Project Basecamp by Digital Bond from 10 years ago showed how significant the scope of vulnerable devices are that are pervasive in critical infrastructure systems. Today’s SOC needs to not only see those devices and the risks they pose while also ensuring accurate detection of the threats uniquely targeting those OT environments they’re deployed in. This session will explore this unique threat landscape and the capabilities required to combat the threats and automatically mitigate the risks specially targeting Operational Technology environments.
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Ancient Wisdom, Modern Warfare: Sun Tzu's Influence on Cybersecurity Defense and Offense
The principles laid out by Sun Tzu in his Art of War have transcended time and directly apply to the realm of cybersecurity. Join us with your fellow CIOs as we explore Sun Tzu’s teachings and their impact on today’s digital battleground. Through examples and case studies, we delve into how his strategies inform our cybersecurity defense and offense tactics, equipping us with the knowledge to stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries. Prepare to be inspired and enlightened by the wisdom of a military strategist and its contemporary applications in the ever-evolving cyber landscape.
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“Stack” Your Defenses Against Evolving TTPs
As more threats emerge and adversaries’ TTPs increasingly change, the ability to rapidly assess relevant coverage across the defensive stack becomes increasingly important.
As more threat reports & repositories now contain detections around recently observed indicators & behaviors (a positive trend), it’s tempting to think that deploying only those detections means successful implementation of “threat-informed defense”. However, our research suggests adversaries are evolving their tactics, techniques, & procedures with increasing frequency and in ways that specifically target parts of the attack surface that are especially challenging to defend.
Layering (and distributing) defensive capabilities against today’s threats is essential, but making a quick assessment of coverage – that is both deep and wide – for each new threat is near-impossible if using traditional approaches. This talk will review recommendations for speeding up coverage assessments through threat & defensive prioritization, using two real examples as walkthroughs.
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"Delivering Secure Software"
In order to have secure software you must deliver something. This talk discusses some pragmatic steps the presenter uses to promote timely delivery of secure software. Hint – it’s the requirements.
Terence Davis
Chief Information Officer Department of Parks and Recreation at Los Angeles County
Sponsor Networking Time
Automating Offensive Security Testing
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AI for Security
What to know when talking to vendors about their implementation of Artificial Intelligence into their products.
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No CAPTCHA: Simplifying Online Interaction
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Bringing DevSecOps to Cloud Security
The threat landscape is continuing to expand and diversify as organizations move to a multi-cloud environment. CISOs need to ensure that their DevSecOps capabilities are incorporated within their overall business strategy to guarantee that their cloud applications and code can remain secure.
Topics covered:
· Understanding there is no one-size-fits-all model for DevSecOps
· Best practices for integrating DevSecOps into your cloud security strategy
· Exploring the intersection between development, security and DevSecOps
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