Des Moines, IA
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Keynote Speaker
“"Groundhogs & Rainbows: Rethinking Your Grand Strategy"”
Robert LaMagna-Reiter
Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer WoodmenLife
CISO/Industry Leader Panel
“Cybersecurity Leaders and Experts on Current Cyberthreats and Practices”
Marc Johnson
CISO / Director / vCISO / vCIO Impact Advisors
Steven L. Baccam
Director, Information Technology and Information Security Officer VisionBank
Bill Kim
SVP/Chief Information Security Officer Security Bank of Kansas City
Rebecca Herold
The Privacy Professor CEO, Privacy & Security Brainiacs | Expert Witness & Author
Robert LaMagna-Reiter
Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer WoodmenLife
About the Event
FutureCon Events brings high-level Cyber Security Training discovering cutting-edge security approaches, managing risk in the ever-changing threat of the cybersecurity workforce.
Join us as we talk with a panel of C-level executives who have effectively mitigated the risk of Cyber Attacks.
Educating C-suite executives and CISOs (chief information security officers) on the global cybercrime epidemic, and how to build Cyber Resilient organizations.
“Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT problem”
Gain the latest knowledge you need to enable applications while keeping your computing environment secure from advanced Cyber Threats. Demo the newest technology, and interact with the world’s security leaders and gain other pressing topics of interest to the information security community.
The FutureCon community will keep you updated on the future of the Cyberworld and allow you to interact with your peers and the world’s security leaders.
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Times are subject to change
Opening Introductions | Check In | Networking
Breaches - how to prepare and manage vulnerabilities in the cloud
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Behind the Scenes of Teams and OneDrive: The Secret Life of Shared Files
With the accelerated use of Microsoft 365, we are shooting more sensitive and confidential data into the cloud than we are aware of. Keeping track of what files users are sharing among each other in Teams and OneDrive and knowing who else has access to seems an impossible task. What can you do about it? Find out in this talk.
Topics covered include:
– What goes on in the background when we share data in Teams & OneDrive.
– Why more people have access to shared files than we think.
– How tenfold helps you keep track of permissions and shared files once and for all
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How To Respond When Defensive Lines Fail: Restoring Business Operations with a Planned and Tested Recovery Plan
In an increasingly connected world, securing your infrastructure from bad actors is paramount to continuing business operations. In this session, we will discuss the topic of Disaster Recovery, and what to do when all lines of defense fail. With new exploits being found every day, IT departments of all sizes need to plan for the next attack. While securing your environment is important for preventing most breaches, having a successfully tested disaster recovery plan is the last line of defense for restoring business operations after a successful attack breaks through.
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New capabilities to defend against Zero Day phishing attacks
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"Groundhogs & Rainbows: Rethinking Your Grand Strategy"
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Security Validation as the Heart of Exposure Management
To increase security readiness given today’s dynamic attack surfaces and diverse cyberthreats, security professionals need to move away from traditional vulnerability-centric methods to a new approach that identifies exploitable security exposures in their live IT environments.
Gartner describes Exposure Management (EM) as a new framework that incorporates the adversary’s view to continuously uncover exploitable security gaps, and prioritize remediation accordingly. One of the pillars of EM is security validation, which provides evidence of attackers’ possible achievements in the context of an organization’s deployed assets, configurations, and security controls.
During this session, we will present a pragmatic approach to implementing an Exposure Management strategy, focusing on automated security validation.
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DevSecOps Alchemy: Communications, Processes and Visibility
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Terabytes from Tehran: The Opening Day that ALMOST didn't happen
Ransomware in my ballpark? It’s more likely than you’d think. Opening Day 2019 was a win for both the Milwaukee Brewers and their security team who battled the St. Louis Cardinals, AND Iranian ransomware groups. The security team will explain the timeline of what occurred and why third-party vendors can be the biggest threat to your organization.
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Even the most well-protected organizations fall victim to ransomware - what do you do when this happens?
Most organizations have already invested and implemented strong layers of security but are still vulnerable to ransomware. Cybercriminals are constantly outsmarting even the most robust security solutions; evolving methods and behaviors make it impossible for traditional security vendors to prevent them. Endpoint protection is no longer enough. This session is essential if you wish to stay ahead of the ransomware threat. It will provide you with the following knowledge:
- What is ransomware containment and how will it change my approach to stopping attacks?
- How does a containment solution complement and enhance the investment I’ve already made in my security infrastructure?
- How will containment make ransomware attacks an inconvenience rather than a major security operation?
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