Baltimore, MD (Eastern Region)
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Keynote Speaker
“Cybersecurity & The Board: Choosing success over the Sarlacc Pit”
Brian Contos
Chief Security Officer Phosphorus Cybersecurity
Industry Expert Panel
"Crucial! Security Must Match SW Delivery @ Light Speed!"
Mike Skurko
Founder and Principal Consultant PRE Consulting, Inc.
Brook Schoenfield
Chief Software Assurance Strategist Author of Secrets Of A Cyber Security Architect
Damilare D. Fagbemi
Founder & Principal Resilient Software Security
Anmol Misra
Leader | Author | Speaker | Advisor | Cloud | Mobile | Engineering | Senior Director of Security Autodesk
About the Event
FutureCon Events brings high-level Cyber Security Training discovering cutting-edge security approaches, managing risk in the ever-changing threat of the cybersecurity workforce.
Join us as we talk with a panel of C-level executives who have effectively mitigated the risk of Cyber Attacks.
Educating C-suite executives and CISOs (chief information security officers) on the global cybercrime epidemic, and how to build Cyber Resilient organizations.
“Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT problem”
Gain the latest knowledge you need to enable applications while keeping your computing environment secure from advanced Cyber Threats. Demo the newest technology, and interact with the world’s security leaders and gain other pressing topics of interest to the information security community.
The FutureCon community will keep you updated on the future of the Cyberworld and allow you to interact with your peers and the world’s security leaders.
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Times are subject to change
How to stop Ransomware BEFORE it starts.
Modern ransomware is not like ransomware of the past. In fact, it’s not even ransomware until it’s too late to prevent significant business impact. The good news is that seeing ransomware before it starts IS both possible and your best line of defense. Please join me as I share how ransomware has changed, how to see it before it starts, and what I predict ransomware will exploit next.
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Modern Security Programs – IT Evolution to Security Revolution
The IT Revolution we have experienced over the last few years has forced organizations to their own security revolution. The degradation of the perimeter, the growth of BYOB devices, cloud migrations and human behavior are all factors that can bring an organization to its proverbial knees.
What must an organization do to maintain its business and operational excellence? It must build a Modern Security Program based on threat intelligence, predicted outcomes, a layer of defenses and security expertise. That Security Program must be able to prevent, detect, respond AND remediate on a 24 x7 schedule.
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Cybersecurity & The Board: Choosing success over the Sarlacc Pit
Rise of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Secure access service edge has quickly emerged as a hot topic in cybersecurity, but what exactly does it mean and why should organizations care? As cloud migration, BYOD adoption, and remote work have skyrocketed in prevalence, it has become increasingly apparent that organizations need to think differently about security. While legacy tools like firewalls are no longer equipped to handle the modern IT ecosystem, SASE platforms like Bitglass are built for this exact moment. In this presentation, you will learn:
- The core components of a SASE platform like Bitglass.
- The functionality you need to secure cloud, web, and remote access use cases.
- Architectural considerations you should keep in mind when comparing SASE vendors.
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Panel Discussion
"Crucial! Security Must Match SW Delivery @ Light Speed!"
Brook Schoenfield
Chief Software Assurance Strategist Author of Secrets Of A Cyber Security Architect
Anmol Misra
Leader | Author | Speaker | Advisor | Cloud | Mobile | Engineering | Senior Director of Security Autodesk
Hybrid. It’s Never Only One Thing.
New technology is often seen as a total replacement for whatever came before. This is evident in the “Move to Cloud”! However, we are almost never in a greenfield position: we must interoperate with legacy systems and the demands of the business drive towards different and competing solutions for different problems. We will discuss the challenges of a hybrid deployment, addressing multi-cloud as well as on-premises components, and how a hybrid approach to identity is required to competently address these often conflicting requirements. We will use real-world examples of hybrid solutions to demonstrate the solutions.
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5 Ways to Optimize Your SOC
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Protecting Your Organization from the Business of Ransomware
Ransomware attacks are estimated to be occurring every 11 seconds. Their frequency and complexity continue to increase as threat actors double down on ransomware attacks. But why? Because ransomware is a business for many. The profitability of ransomware grow as we continue to troubleshoot by paying the ransom. But what’s the alternative?
Join this session to learn more about:
- The business of ransomware
- The evolving threat landscape
- Ransomware Protection Tactics and Techniques
- Your Security Roadmap for Hybrid and Remote Workers
- Leveraging an EDR with Limited Security Staff
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Cyber Resilience for Digital Operations
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Crawl, Walk, Run Your Segmentation Approach
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The Past, Present and Future of Strong Authentication
Authentication is a foundational element of every cybersecurity program. With more than 80% of data breaches and most ransomware incidents stemming from credential-based attacks (e.g., phishing, credential stuffing, RDP brute, etc.), it has become clear that passwords are a fatally flawed authentication method. Unfortunately, many common solutions are “band-aids” on top of passwords and are lacking from both a security and user experience perspective. Replacing passwords as an authentication factor is finally possible. While eliminating passwords is a critical step in stopping credential-based attacks, it is just a first step on the journey to advanced authentication and access control needed to achieve zero trust.
In this talk, we will discuss:
- A brief history of authentication
- Changing requirements in the new work from home(or anywhere) business model and cloud-centric architectures
- Can we gain risk-reduction improvements by converging the traditionally disparate identity and security processes and technologies?
- A case for continuous user authentication
- What is device risk and why is the real-time assessment of endpoint security important
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The Battle of Algorithms: How AI is beating AI at its own game
- How cyber-criminals are leveraging AI tools to create sophisticated cyber weapons
- What an AI-powered spoofing threat may look like, and why humans will not be able to spot them
- Why defensive AI technologies are uniquely positioned to fight back
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